Greek Silver Coins
The following page is dedicated to Greek silver coins, arguably some of the finest types of ancient art. Sadly, superlative examples of these coins are often beyond the reach of the average collector, myself included!

SICILY, Syracuse
2nd Republic, 466-406 BC
AR Tetradrachm 26mm 17.26g
ca. 440 - 430 AD.
Obv: Charioteer leading victorious
Biga in step to the right, Nike flying
over it, wreath the horses.
Rev.: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙ-ΟΝ, head of the nymph
Arethusa nr, surrounded by four dolphins.
Ref: Boehringer 561 (ed.); HGC 1313
Gorny & Mosch 276 lot 49
(Author's collection)

SICILY, Syracuse
2nd Republic, 466 - 406 BC
AR Tetradrachm (26mm, 16.60g)
Obv: Charioteer leading a biga r.,
which is crowned by Nike
Rev: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ, bust of
Arethusa with bun r. surrounded
by four dolphins.
Ref: Boehringer 605; HGC 1315.
Published in: C.Boehringer,
SNR 64, 1985, Taf.8.86 (this coin).
(Author's collection)

SICILY, Syracuse. Second Democracy. 466-405 BC. AR Tetradrachm (24mm, 17.xxg, 9h). Struck circa 450-440 BC. Charioteer driving quadriga right; above, Nike flying right, crowning horses; in exergue, ketos right / Head of Arethusa right, hair in band; four dolphins around. Boehringer series XVIb, 576 (V288/R392); SNG ANS 183. (Author's collection, photo courtesy of CGB auctions)

SICILY, Syracuse
Second Democracy, 466-405 BC ca. 430-420
AR Tetradrachm (25 mm, 17.21g, 10h)
Obv: Charioteer driving quadriga walking
to right, holding reins in both hands; above,
Nike flying left to crown the charioteer
Rev: ΣΥΡΑΚΟ-ΣΙΩΝ Head of Arethousa to
right, her hair tied with a ribbon, wearing
pendant earring and simple necklace; around,
four dolphins swimming right and left.
Ref: Boehringer 677 (V339/R461). HGC 2, 1321 (Author's collection)

SICILY, Syracuse
Second Democracy, 466-405 BC. ca. 430-420
AR Tetradrachm (26 mm, 17.33g, 1h)
Obv: Charioteer driving quadriga walking
to right, holding goad in his right hand and
reins in his left; above, Nike flying right to
crown the horses
Ref: ΣΥΡΑΚΟΣΙΟΝ Head of Arethusa to
right, her hair bound in a sakkos, wearing a
double spiral earring and a simple necklace;
around, four dolphins swimming right.
Ref: Boehringer 694 (V342/R473);
ex Bertolami 4-5, lot 620 (2011) (Author's collection)